Aahh no I'm not Swedish nor I have Swedish ancestry (neither Norwegian) xD I just know a lil bit of the pronunciation of a few accented letters (I assume å is pronounced as in "small" which is not said as "smahl" or " smol", but in between) And I just put it there for a fancy accent
In Philippines (where I live), "Hakdog" or "Hatdog" is a meme
And oh, imma go downthe rabbit hole of buying games, so I'll prevent as soon as I'm still studying (yeah, some friend here said that a credit card or payment method is needed for the creation of a Steam account)
lmao that dog. XD Though wait wait, were you from Sweden? The å? I remember some previous convo with you but I don't think it was about that...
Hmm just gotta test that request now...
Regarding credit carts,:you could maybe get a prepaid one if you really need one? They sell them at regular shops/kiosks. Though I wonder if you really have to provide a card when you create the Steam account itself, to buy games though...