You do make it seem like you manage way more in way shorter a span of time huh. XD Still a great variation of no-quality-lacking artistics... good luck with that too!
Nice! Goodism and Badism hmm... the latter one sounds maybe a bit unsuitably much like Budgism, paradoxically maybe the (MHO) more Goodism-like ones out there. :P Good music though, and good music does inspire good deeds, Goodism music...
Ah you were into Madness too back in the day! :D Fun to see.
And how you manage so much concurrently: impressive! Dope music too. Such a clear mix on all of them. Though that NG preview: 'Sorry, you don't have the necessary permissions to view this preview.'
...maybe dropdown selection on who gets to access that didn't save on the preview tab...?
Thanks! :D These were done in less than 4 months (except that the last song in the preview was immediately abandoned in March) Midterms is closer, less than a week so I wouldn't have much time for now. And I need to make my own storybook as a project, I hope I would enjoy it as I am mostly a visual artist.
My bad, i posted this on midnight and I'm sleepy, it should work now c: