Hallo, long time no see. i have left this website (for posting) and i was just occasionally rating and lurking for a while to focus on studies. I was with my friends in Discord for some support.
But now... Im getting free-er a bit :D Ill be graduating in June if I managed to catch my subjects ;p I was a graduating junior when i made my NG account and I was a middle schooler when I visited this website again just to download the music from the jumping cube over spikes game. Can't believe that is 10 years ago...
I'll be submitting and scheduling drawings that i made in the servers! There's a bit of them
My FIRST music collab!
I also have a commission I can't wait to show yall :D I can't even say the details too cuz imma surprise my friends ;p I hope im still alive by the time Im finishing them!
That's all, thanks for staying!
here's some of my sketches weeks ago:
First 2 images: Normal face paintings
3rd image: D E S K